Bijbelverhalen in beeld  -  15 - Handelingen van de Heilige Geest

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Groeten vrienden! Wist je dat de (Heilige) Geest van de Ware God bij mensen leeft? Ik zal je vertellen hoe en wanneer dit gebeurde. Luister terwijl je naar de foto's in het paarse boek kijkt. Kijk naar de volgende foto als je dit signaal hoort. (Signaal)

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Afbeelding 1. Jezus gaat naar de hemel. Handelingen 1:1-11

Jezus kwam vele (2000) jaar geleden vanuit de hemel naar de aarde. Hij kwam van God om ons te laten zien hoe God werkelijk is. Hij kwam ook om ons geestelijk leven te brengen. Zonder Jezus zijn onze geesten dood. Wij hebben ons van God afgekeerd. Jezus kwam om ons terug te keren naar God. Slechte mannen doodden Jezus door Hem aan een houten kruis te spijkeren. Maar drie dagen later kwam Hij weer tot leven. Veel mensen (Zijn volgelingen, discipelen) zagen Hem en Hij zei tegen hen: "U zult macht ontvangen wanneer de Heilige Geest komt", en "U zult naar de uiteinden van de aarde gaan en mensen over Mij vertellen." Toen werd Jezus opgenomen in de hemel, zoals je op deze foto ziet. Op een dag zal Hij op dezelfde manier terugkeren. (Signaal)

Afbeelding 2. De Heilige Geest komt met vuur. Handelingen 2:1-12

Tien dagen nadat Jezus naar de hemel was gegaan, waren al Zijn volgelingen samen in één huis. (Deze foto laat zien hoe de Heilige Geest van God tot hen kwam.) Plotseling was er een geluid uit de lucht als een grote wind. De mensen zagen zoiets als vlammen van vuur. Het verspreidde zich en raakte elke persoon aan en ze waren allemaal vervuld met de Geest van God zoals Jezus had beloofd. Ze kregen macht en konden in andere talen spreken. (Signaal)

Afbeelding 3. Peter predikt het volk. Handelingen 2:14-41

Die volgelingen van Jezus waren in de stad Jeruzalem (in Israël). Er waren veel mensen in Jeruzalem van over de hele wereld. Toen De volgelingen van Jezus de Geest van God ontvingen, spraken zij tot de mensen in hun eigen taal. Ze vertelden hen over Jezus die was gestorven en weer was opgestaan. Petrus stond op en zei: "Wat je ziet en hoort is de gave van de Heilige Geest. Ieder van jullie moet zich afkeren van zijn zonden (dingen die God niet behagen) en gedoopt worden in de naam van Jezus Christus, zodat jullie zonden vergeven worden en jullie de Heilige Geest zullen ontvangen.' Veel mensen geloofden Peter. Ze werden gedoopt met water als een teken van reiniging van zonde. Ze ontvingen ook de Heilige Geest en begonnen de wegen van Jezus te volgen. (Signaal)

Picture 4. The Church Family. Acts 2:42-47
The people, who received God's Spirit, stayed together like a big family. They were called a Church (or Christian Church). They shared their money and possessions and helped those in need. Everyday they praised God and prayed together. The disciples taught them about Jesus. Sometimes they ate bread and drank (wine) together in a special meal. Jesus had commanded His followers to do this. We should do this too if we follow Jesus' Way. The broken bread is to remind us of the body of Jesus which was broken in death as punishment for our sins. The drink (wine) reminds us of the blood of Jesus which was poured out to cleanse us from our sin. (Music and Signal)

Picture 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed. Acts 3:1-16
One day Peter and John went to the House of God (the Temple) to pray. At the gate of God's House sat a beggar. He had never been able to walk. He asked Peter and John for money, but Peter said to him, "I have no money, but I give you what I have, in the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk!" Peter took the man by the hand and helped him to get up. At once the man's feet and ankles became strong. He was healed by the power of the Holy Spirit and he believed in the Lord Jesus. He had received a gift much better than money. He went into God's House walking and leaping and praising God. (Signal)

Picture 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied. Acts 5:1-11
Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, sold some land. They decided to give all the money to God for His Church. But then they kept back some of God's money for themselves. Ananias brought only part of the money to Peter, but he told Peter it was the full amount. Peter knew that he lied, so he said to Ananias, "You have not lied to men; you have lied to God!" Immediately Ananias fell down dead. Some young men carried him out and buried him. Soon Sapphira came in. She did not know what had happened. Sapphira also lied to Peter about their money. She also fell down dead and was buried beside her husband. Friends, we must not allow the love of money to twist us. We must not lie to anyone, and we cannot lie to God. (Signal)

Picture 7. Stephen is Killed. Acts 6:1 - 8:3
Stephen was a leader of the Church who helped the poor. He spoke boldly about Jesus, therefore making the Jews angry. They took him to court and accused him of doing wrong. Stephen was not afraid. He knew that God's Spirit was with him. Stephen reminded those Jews that they had murdered Jesus who had come from God (to bring spiritual life). The Jews were so angry that they dragged Stephen out of the city and they stoned him to death. They laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Paul. At the end, Stephen said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! Forgive these men for what they do". God's Spirit will never leave a Christian, even in death. (Signal)

Picture 8. The Ethiopian Traveller. Acts 8:4-8, 26-40
In Samaria, Philip told the people about Jesus and many believed. Then God told Philip to go to a desert place. A very important man from the land of Ethiopia came along the desert road. As he rode in his chariot, he was reading God's Book. The Book told of One who would suffer to save all men, but the Ethiopian could not understand it. The Holy Spirit told Philip to go up to him. Philip heard him reading. He told him that the Book spoke of Jesus whom God had sent. The Ethiopian wanted to follow Jesus too. As they travelled together he said to Philip, "Here is water. What is to keep me from being baptized?" Philip baptized the Ethiopian and he went back to his country with great joy. And the Good News of Jesus began to spread to many places. (Music and Signal)

Picture 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals. Acts 10:9-16
One day Peter went onto the house-top to pray. There he saw a vision sent by God. A large sheet was let down from Heaven. In the sheet were many kinds of animals. Peter was hungry and a voice said to him, "Get up Peter; kill and eat!" The animals which Peter saw were unclean according to the laws of the Jews. So Peter said, "Certainly not, Lord! I have never eaten anything unclean." But the voice said, "Do not call anything unclean that God has made clean." This same vision occurred 3 times, and then the sheet went back up to Heaven. (Signal)

Picture 10. Peter and the Romans. Acts 10:1-8, 17-48
Just as Peter finished praying, three men came to find him. They came from another town, sent by a man called Cornelius. Cornelius was a Roman leader who wanted to honour God. He had seen an angel of God who told him to find Peter. Jews considered the Romans to be unclean, but God showed Peter in the vision that no race is unclean. So Peter went with the men to the house of the Roman. Cornelius tried to worship Peter, but Peter said to him, "Stand up! I am only a man. Why did you send for me?" Cornelius told Peter about the angel, so Peter told Cornelius about Jesus who shows God to men. Cornelius and his family believed in Jesus and received the Spirit of God. God loves all people, whatever their language, tribe, or skin colour. He wants all to trust in His Son and serve Him. (Signal)

Picture 11. Peter in Prison. Acts 12:1-11
Herod the king began to persecute the Church in Jerusalem. He killed the disciple called James, and he put Peter in prison. One night Peter was asleep. He was chained between two guards. Suddenly an angel of God appeared, and a light shone in the prison. The angel woke Peter and said, "Hurry! Get up!...and come with me!" At once the chains fell off Peter's hands. He followed the angel right out of the prison. The gate of the prison opened by itself and no one stopped them. Then the angel disappeared. (Signal)

Picture 12. Peter and His Friends. Acts 12:12-19
While Peter was in prison many friends gathered to pray for him. When he was released Peter went straight to the house where they were. He knocked at the gate. A servant girl went to answer it but when she heard Peter's voice she ran to tell the others, "Peter is at the gate!" They said to her, "You must be mad!" Peter kept knocking, so they opened the door of the gate. They were all amazed. Peter told them how God had saved him from Herod. God hears the prayers of His Church (His people). Jesus said, "Where two or three come together in My Name, I am with them." Just as His Spirit was with that first Church, so He is with all who follow Jesus today. (Music)

Introduction to Side B
How can the whole world hear that Jesus came to save them from sin and death? This story of Paul shows how it can be done. Be ready to look at the next picture when you hear this sound. (Signal)

Picture 13. The Light and the Voice from Heaven. Acts 9:1-9
Paul was a Jewish leader who persecuted (troubled) the Church of Jesus. He stood by and watched as Stephen died, and he threatened many believers with death. One day he travelled to the city of Damascus. He intended to persecute (seize) the believers there also. As he went along the road, suddenly an amazing thing happened. A great light flashed from Heaven. Paul fell to the ground. A voice spoke from Heaven saying, "Paul, Paul, why do you persecute me?" Paul asked, "Who are you, Lord?" The voice said, "I am Jesus whom you persecute." The men with Paul also heard the voice but they saw no one. Paul got up, but he could not see. The men had to lead him by the hand into Damascus. (Signal)

Picture 14. Blind Paul and Ananias. Acts 9:10-20
For three days Paul was blind. He would not eat or drink. Then God sent a man to Paul. He was a believer called Ananias. Ananias knew that Paul persecuted believers, but he still went to Paul and said, "Brother Paul, Jesus, whom you saw on the road, has sent me so that you might see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit." Ananias laid his hands on Paul. At once he could see again. Paul was filled with the Spirit of God. He was baptized to show people that he was now a follower of Jesus. Instead of persecuting the Church, he began to tell everyone about Jesus. (Signal)

Picture 15. The Church Prays for Paul & Barnabas. Acts 13:1-3
Later, Paul and his friend, Barnabas, went to teach the Church at Antioch. One day as the leaders of the Church fasted and prayed the Holy Spirit spoke to them saying, "Let Barnabas and Paul be given to Me for the work I have called them to." God wanted them to go to people who had never heard about Jesus. So the Church leaders placed their hands on Paul and Barnabas and prayed for them. Then they sent them out to distant places to proclaim the Good News. The Church of God today should send out missionaries too, for Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel." (Signal)

Picture 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus. Acts 13:4-52
Paul and Barnabas went to many towns. They met with the Jews in their prayer houses and taught them like this: "The God of the Jews chose our fathers, and made them a great people (nation). He gave them great leaders and teachers. They told of One who would come to save them from sin. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. But the Jews did not recognize Jesus when He came because they did not understand their teachers. Jesus did no wrong, but they killed Him. However, God raised Him from death. He will never die again. Now everyone who puts his trust in Jesus will be made right with God. Those who doubt and laugh at the truth will die." Some Jews, and other people too, believed the message of Paul and more churches were formed. But many would not believe. (Music & Signal)

Picture 17. Paul's Vision of the Man. Acts 16:6-10
Some years later, Paul went to visit all the churches. He and his friends wanted to preach in the country of Bithynia too, but the Holy Spirit stopped them. They did not know where they should go next. One night Paul had a vision. He saw a man from the land of Macedonia. The man said to Paul, "Come over to Macedonia and help us!" Immediately Paul knew that God was guiding them to go to Macedonia. God will guide those who want to follow Jesus. Sometimes He guides by dreams, but usually God directs us through the words in His Book, the Bible. (Signal)

Picture 18. Paul and Silas in the Earthquake. Acts 16:16-35
Paul took his friend Silas and went across the sea to Macedonia. There they taught the people about Jesus. Some believed, but others became very angry. They beat Paul and Silas and threw them into prison. That night Paul and Silas prayed and sang to God in the prison. Suddenly there was a great earthquake. The doors opened and the chains of the prisoners came loose. The jailer thought that all the prisoners would escape. He was so frightened that he decided to kill himself because he knew he would be held responsible. Then Paul shouted to him, "Don't harm yourself! We are all here!" The jailer called for a light, he rushed in and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Paul said to him, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." With great joy the jailer and all his family believed. (Signal)

Picture 19. Paul & the Altar to the Unknown God. Acts 17:16-34
In the city of Athens the people worshipped many idols. The men of Athens wanted to know what Paul was teaching, so he said to them, "Men of Athens, I see that you are very religious. As I walked around your city I found an altar 'To an unknown God'. I want to tell you about this God, the One you don't know." Paul told them about the true God who created everything. He told them that God is alive, He is not made from gold or silver or stone. Paul told them about Jesus whom God has raised from death. Some men just laughed, but others believed him and found the way to everlasting life. Through Jesus we too can know the One true God whom we have not known before. (Signal)

Picture 20. Paul is Taken to Court. Acts 18:1-17
Paul went on to the city of Corinth. The people of Corinth were very wicked, and the Jews who lived there gave Paul much trouble. One night the Lord Jesus spoke to Paul, saying, "Do not be afraid, but keep speaking. Do not give up. I am with you. No one will be able to harm you." So Paul stayed in Corinth and many people believed his message. One day the Jews seized Paul and took him to court. They accused him of teaching lies. However, the Governor would not listen and he put them all out of the court. Then the Corinthians beat the Jewish leader but Paul escaped unharmed. God can give us boldness to speak too, even in times of danger. (Music and Signal)

Picture 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews. Acts 21:1 - 22:24
Paul continued to visit the churches in many countries. Some of the believers warned Paul not to go to Jerusalem. They knew that the Jews wanted to kill him. But Paul said, "I am ready to die there for the sake of Jesus." So Paul returned to Jerusalem. Immediately the Jews influenced the people against him. They tried to kill Paul in the street. Some Roman soldiers had to rescue him. Paul stood on the steps outside the Roman barracks. He told the people how he became a follower of Jesus, but they only screamed, "Away with him! Kill him!" The soldiers had to put Paul in prison to save him from the Jews. (Signal)

Picture 22. Paul Preaches to Kings. Acts 25 & 26
Paul stayed in prison for two years. The Jews still tried to kill him, but Jesus appeared to Paul and said, "Do not be afraid! You will tell people about me in Rome." Paul was brought before Agrippa, the king of the Jews, but he was not afraid. Paul boldly told the king and queen how Jesus had called him to tell people everywhere about the Lord Jesus. King Agrippa was almost persuaded to believe in Jesus too. He knew that Paul had done nothing wrong, but he had no power to release him. He told Paul that he must go to Rome and appeal to the Emperor, who was the most powerful ruler of all. (Signal)

Picture 23. The Shipwreck. Acts 27:1-44
Soldiers took Paul to Rome with other prisoners. They had to travel in a ship across the sea. The ship was caught in a terrible storm. All the people thought that they were going to die. An angel spoke to Paul, saying, "Don't be afraid, Paul. You must stand before the Emperor. God will save the lives of all the people with you too." Soon the ship came near some land. It began to break up in the great waves. The people had to jump into the sea, but they all got safely to the land. God had a purpose (plan) for Paul and therefore no harm could come to him. (Signal)

Picture 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome. Acts 28:16-31
For two more years Paul remained a prisoner in Rome. People came to him and he taught them about Jesus. He wrote letters to the churches around the world. Those letters are in the Bible. They are for us today. Paul suffered much in order to share God's message. He was often beaten and stoned, hungry and homeless. Eventually he was killed in Rome. Then God gave him a great reward in Heaven. For Paul's words are true, "I am convinced that neither death nor life... nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is (shown) in Jesus our Lord." Friends, with the power of the Holy Spirit, let us spread this message too. Then the whole world can know that Jesus gives everlasting life with God. (Music)

 Klik op het nummer - nieuw venster opent met het beeldverhaal
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01 Who is Jesus
02 Christ Our Good Shepherd
03 Christ Teaches about Prayer
04 Christ's Victory over Satan
05 Death of Christ, The (with pictures)
06 Good News
07 Growing in the Christian Life
08 How Can We Please God
09 Look, Listen & Live 1 Beginning with GOD
10 Look, Listen & Live 2 Mighty Men of GOD
11 Look, Listen & Live 3 Victory through GOD
12 Look, Listen & Live 4 Servants of GOD
13 Look, Listen & Live 5 On Trial for GOD
14 Look, Listen & Live 6 JESUS - Teacher & Healer
15 Look, Listen & Live 8 Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT
17 Look_ Luister & Leef 7 JEZUS - Heer & Redder
17 De geboorte van Christus
18 Het licht van de wereld
19 De levende Christus en vergeving
20 De levende Christus en het Woord van God - Deel 1
21 De levende Christus en het Woord van God - Deel 2
22 De levende Christus is sterker dan de dood
23 De levende Christus zoekt verloren mensen
24 De levende Christus laat zien hoe God om ons geeft
25 De levende Christus wijst de weg naar de hemel
26 De levende Christus leert over verlossing
27 De levende Christus zal terugkeren
27 De opstanding van Christus
Naar de index van alle plaatjes in deze serie



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Hebreeën 4:12 zegt: "Want levend en krachtig is het woord van God, en scherper dan een tweesnijdend zwaard: het dringt diep door tot waar ziel en geest, been en merg elkaar raken, en het is in staat de opvattingen en gedachten van het hart te ontleden"Lees eens: Het zwijgen van God

God heeft zoveel liefde voor de wereld, dat Hij Zijn enige Zoon heeft gegeven; zodat ieder die in Hem gelooft, niet verloren gaat maar eeuwig leven heeft.
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Bijbels Prentenboek
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De Heilige Schrift
Het levende Woord van God
Aan de voeten van Jezus
Onder de Terebint
In de Wijngaard

De Bergrede
Gelijkenissen van Jezus
Oude Schoolplaten
De Zaligsprekingen van Jezus

Goede Vruchten

Tijd met Jezus
Film over Jezus

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Godsdiensten en Religies
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